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About 1337suite

1337 Suite is a comprehensive cybersecurity toolkit that combines various tools and features to aid in vulnerability scanning, technology detection, and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) reporting. This powerful suite of tools leverages APIs, libraries, and command-line interfaces to provide a user-friendly graphical interface for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts. All the individual tools are:

PortScanner and OS Detection:
The PortScanner and OS Detection tool in 1337 Suite utilizes the Nmap scanning tool to perform port scanning on target IP addresses or domains. It offers different scanning profiles with varying levels of intensity. The tool not only scans for open ports but also detects the operating system running on the target machine. It provides detailed information about the scanned ports and the identified OS.

> Port scanning to identify open ports
> Operating system detection based on network responses
> Multiple scanning profiles for different levels of intensity
> Detailed information on scanned ports and detected OS

Malscan using VirusTotal API:
The Malscan tool within 1337 Suite leverages the VirusTotal API to scan files or URLs for potential malware. By integrating with the VirusTotal API, the tool submits the file or URL for analysis and retrieves the scan results. It provides information about the presence of malware, suspicious behavior, and other indicators of compromise.

> Port scanning to identify open ports
> Operating system detection based on network responses
> Multiple scanning profiles for different levels of intensity
> Detailed information on scanned ports and detected OS

Vulnerability Scanner based on Wappalyzer API:
The Vulnerability Scanner tool within 1337 Suite utilizes the Wappalyzer API to detect the technologies used by a website or web application. By analyzing the website's HTML, JavaScript, and other components, the tool identifies the technologies in use. It provides insights into frameworks, content management systems, and other software components that may have known vulnerabilities.

> Integration with the Wappalyzer API for technology detection
> Identification of frameworks, content management systems, and other software components
> Highlighting potential vulnerabilities associated with detected technologies

Malscan using VirusTotal API:
The application allows the user to input a URL, select an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and provide data to send with the request. It then sends the request using the requests library and displays the response in a text area.

> Network packet capture and analysis
> Inspection of network protocols and packet payloads
> Identification of potential security issues
> Flexible filtering options for targeted analysis

Zapman for Request Tampering:
The tool allows the user to input a URL, select an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and provide data to send with the request. It then sends the request using the requests library and displays the response in a text area.

> Modification of request parameters, headers, and payloads
> Simulating various attack scenarios for web application security testing

MapGPT Vulnerability Detection using ChatGPT:
The MapGPT Vulnerability Detection tool in 1337 Suite leverages the power of GPT-based language models, specifically ChatGPT, to identify vulnerabilities in target systems. By providing system details or specific queries, the tool interacts with the ChatGPT model to generate responses that highlight potential vulnerabilities. It offers a conversational interface for vulnerability detection and assessment.

> Integration with GPT-based language models (ChatGPT)
> Conversational interface for vulnerability detection
> Generating responses highlighting potential vulnerabilities

1337suite is an incredibly useful cybersecurity toolkit that combines multiple tools and features into a single package, offering immense value to cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts. With tools like PortScanner and OS Detection, Malscan using the VirusTotal API, Pacnet Packet Analyzer, Zapman for request tampering, MapGPT vulnerability detection using ChatGPT, and the Vulnerability Scanner based on the Wappalyzer API, this suite provides a comprehensive set of capabilities for vulnerability scanning, technology detection, malware analysis, packet analysis, request tampering, and vulnerability assessment. The integration of various APIs, libraries, and command-line interfaces, along with the user-friendly graphical interface, makes 1337 Suite an indispensable resource for identifying security flaws, detecting vulnerabilities, and ensuring robust protection against cyber threats.

  • Built with


  • Built with


  • Deployment Env

    Ubuntu / Kali

  • GUI Development


Scope of Development

There are scope for further improvements:
1. User Interface Enhancement: Although 1337 Suite provides a graphical user interface, further improvements in terms of usability, aesthetics, and intuitiveness could enhance the overall user experience and make the suite more accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
2. Tool Integration: The suite could benefit from improved integration between the different tools. Seamless data sharing, cross-tool functionality, and a unified workflow would enable users to leverage the suite more efficiently and effectively.
3. Automated Updates: Regular updates and maintenance of the suite's components, such as vulnerability databases, API integrations, and underlying libraries, are crucial for maintaining accuracy and security. Implementing an automated update mechanism would ensure users have access to the latest tools, technologies, and threat intelligence.
4. Expanded Toolset: While 1337 Suite already offers an impressive range of tools, there is potential to expand the toolset further. Adding new tools and features based on emerging cybersecurity trends, such as machine learning-based threat detection, ransomware analysis, or network behavior monitoring, would increase the suite's versatility and relevance in tackling evolving cyber threats.

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