Project Details
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We, at Covay, are a non-profit initiative that was launched in April 2021 with a simple yet powerful mission: to provide correct and updated information about the supply of oxygen cylinders during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kolkata, India. We understand the dire need for accurate information, and that's why we have dedicated ourselves to ensuring that people have access to verified leads and contacts of oxygen suppliers. Through our website (, which was previously active and based on donations, and our social media accounts on Twitter ( and Facebook (, we share crucial information that can make a difference in people's lives. Our team, consisting of over 100 dedicated volunteers spread across different parts of Kolkata, works tirelessly to connect individuals in need of oxygen with the suppliers or even arrange transportation for the cylinders.

Saving lives and alleviating the stress and anxiety of those struggling to find oxygen is at the core of our mission. We are humbled to have helped more than 10,000 individuals with oxygen cylinders since our inception. The appreciation and support we have received from various celebrities, influencers, media outlets, and organizations have been truly heartening. It demonstrates the power of unity and how ordinary citizens can come together to support one another in these challenging times. At Covay, we firmly believe that it is during times of crisis that the true spirit of humanity shines through. We are proud to be among the many examples of individuals stepping up to help each other and make a positive impact. We stand united with our community, ready to lend a helping hand, and determined to bring hope to those in need. Together, we can overcome any challenge. 🙏

  • Built with

    Django | Python

  • Built with

    HTML | CSS

  • Deployment Platform

    ( Good Old Days :")

  • Team

    10 Members &
    100+ Volunteers

Bringing back some Memories

I still remember those challenging days during the second wave of COVID-19 when our Country was grappling with a severe shortage of oxygen cylinders and refills. It seemed like an impossible task to find accurate and up-to-date information about the availability of these life-saving resources. People were resorting to sharing data on WhatsApp statuses and informal channels, but there was no way to verify the authenticity or timeliness of the leads.
It broke my heart to see the desperation and helplessness of countless families who were desperately searching for oxygen cylinders for their loved ones. Even after putting in so much effort, they were often left empty-handed or faced with exorbitant prices. It was evident that we needed a more organized and reliable approach to tackle this crisis.

One day, an idea struck me like a ray of hope amidst the darkness. What if we could gather all these leads and create a central database? And not just that, but also take the extra step of verifying the dealers' authenticity to ensure people were not being taken advantage of during these trying times. The thought of potentially saving lives through this initiative filled me with an overwhelming sense of purpose and determination.

But I knew I couldn't do this alone. I shared the idea with my fellow colleagues in the IT department, and to my surprise, their response was incredibly positive. We were determined to make a difference, to contribute to our community in any way we could. With a team of ten in-house coordinators and the support of over a hundred ground zero volunteers, we set out on a mission to verify leads and check the legitimacy of dealers physically, even amidst the challenges posed by the lockdown. The enthusiasm and commitment of the volunteers were awe-inspiring. Each day, they risked their own well-being to ensure that the information we provided was accurate and reliable.

The dream of creating COVAY was becoming a reality. We knew that a website or application would be the most efficient way to make this information accessible to the masses. However, I couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming responsibility. The stakes were high, and we couldn't afford to make any mistakes. As the days passed, each team member played their part with unwavering dedication. The verification team tirelessly reached out to dealers, the data updating team worked relentlessly to ensure real-time information, the technical team put in long hours to build the website, and the social media outreach team helped spread the word about our initiative.

The moment finally arrived when we launched COVAY, and we couldn't have been prouder. With the help of generous donations from our batchmates and faculty members, we hosted the website with the domain It was an emotional moment as we knew that we were now providing a lifeline to those desperately seeking oxygen cylinders. The feedback we received from those we were able to help was truly heartwarming. Knowing that we were making a tangible difference in the lives of thousands filled our hearts with an indescribable sense of fulfillment. We were no longer just IT professionals; we were a team of life-savers, united by a common purpose and driven by compassion.

As I narrate this story, the emotions resurface, and I am filled with immense gratitude for my colleagues and the ground zero volunteers who stood by my side through thick and thin. Together, we created a powerful force for good in a time of darkness and uncertainty. COVAY's journey was not just about creating a website; it was about the power of human connection, empathy, and the profound impact that a collective effort can have on a community in crisis. This experience has left an indelible mark on my heart, and I will forever cherish the memories of how we came together to save lives and spread hope in the face of adversity.

Project Details
Project Details